Monthly Archives: January 2017

PO-GO my first published game!


My first game published by Nestor Games, click this link to go to the publisher game page!

Here are the Official Rules!

BGG entry,

Copyright 2020, Rey Alicea


Sapos (Toads in Spanish) 

Sapos is played with 32 bi-colored pieces on an 8×8 board with the following setup:

Two players Dark and Light. Each player has 4 pieces on the board and 12 in reserve.

Dark’s 4 pieces are placed on the points d2, d3,e2,e3, and Light’s 4 pieces are placed on d6,d7,e6,e7

Players take turns performing any number of these actions:

  • hop a piece over an ortho-diagonally adjacent friend into an empty square.
  • jump a piece over an orthogonally adjacent enemy into an empty square, capturing the jumped enemy and placing it into your reserve.
  • spawn a piece from your reserve in an empty square ortho-diagonally adjacent to the last hop

There are some rules for the flow of a turn:

  • You will only ever hop and jump with a single piece during your turn.
  • If you have a 2×2 formation of pieces at the start of your turn, you must move with one of those pieces.
  • You can hop and jump multiple times.
  • Once you make a jump you may no longer hop.
  • If you don’t make a jump you must end your turn with a spawn.
  • After Player 2’s first turn she must immediately move again. Neither sequence may contain a jump.

Here are some examples of valid turns:

hop, spawn

hop, hop, hop, spawn


hop, hop, jump, jump

And Player 2’s first turn likely looks like this:

hop, spawn, hop, spawn

If your opponent is unable to finish her next turn, you win by starvation!

This win condition means that if you have 0 in reserve at the start of your turn then you must jump since you otherwise cannot afford to spawn.

BGG entry,

You can play on

Copyright 2020, Rey Alicea